
The Poor Pitiful Promo/Guest Post

Because I couldn’t think of anything else picture-wise.

I can’t remember the last time I got a request for a promotional post or guest post on my blog.  It’s always book review requests.  It seems like promo posts and guest posts are the unpopular cousin to the book review requests.

Which is really sad, because there are a lot of books I would never review, but I would happily do a promotion for, or accept a guest post from the author.  I’m very lax, very lenient with regard to these types of posts.  While I have lots of hoops a book needs to jump through before I’ll agree to review it, there’s really only two criteria before I accept a promo/guest post.

  1. It must fit into one of the following genres (even tangentially)
    1. Paranormal
    2. Scifi
    3. Fantasy
    4. Horror
    5. Writing
    6. Publishing
  2. It cannot be an interview.
That’s it!  Those are my only requirements.  I accept almost all of these requests I receive.  And I feel like probably most bloggers are the same way. A cover reveal, excerpt, guest post, spotlight, you name it.  They don’t require a lot of our time (basically read, and proofread), and we get a blog post.  Win-win.
And I’ve heard over and over that request something like this, offer to do a guest post, and you’re much more likely to get an author to agree to review your book.  Not to mention, it’s still good promotion.  Gets your name out there.
Well, if anyone out there is interested, you can find my sign up form here.
Photo credit: dmhoro / Foter / CC BY-SA

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