Progress Report: Started Draft 5 #amediting

Well, I might be consistently just barely missing my self-imposed deadlines, but I think I’m doing really good (I’ve done all the editing for this book in one month flat). Set myself a deadline for Friday to finish Draft 4. Finished it on Sunday (I do absolutely nothing on Saturdays due to sleep deprivation). Finished the initial formatting for Shifting Shadows (and just realized that I forgot to add in the special formatting I’d been making notes on all throughout the previous edits (e.g. computer printouts and etc that need to be formatted differently). Doing that now…

And back. Welp, glad I remembered that before it was too late.

Anyway, made good progress today. 23% into Draft 5, which is proofreading. Requested LOC number and set up my next book, Matched to the Alien Prince, for pre-order on KDP. I’m ahead today and hope to get even more so tomorrow. My goal is to get all the drafts finished by end of day on September 30 so I can give my review team a good two weeks to read it. That’s looking very possible.

It’ll also give me time to get the book files ready for the print books and allow me time next weekend to be a vegetable while I (potentially) recover from getting yet another COVID booster shot (because for whatever reason, my immune system likes to act like I’m gonna die every time I get stuck).

On a side note, I’m thinking about participating in Inktober next month (although I am simultaneously telling myself that I’m absolutely fucking bonkers for even considering it) and I (finally) remembered a search term I can use to get decent subjects for my covers (because I apparently forgot and was struggling with searching up possibilities for my next cover). I think I found an image I like and I’m contemplating backgrounds now.

I guess that’s it for now.

Until next time,


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