
Progress Post:

I keep on doing this a lot less frequently than I intend to. I tell myself I’ll do a post every week, then realize two weeks have gone by. Probably my neurodivergency getting in the way there somewhere.

Anyway, finished Episode 3 in Fated Mates of the Drakoan and I’m currently writing Episode 4 (which introduced Jess, the FMC). Episodes 1 and 2 are live on Ream. I’m thinking, after having attended the Subscriptions for Authors Summit, that I’ll probably wait like 2-3 months then start posting elsewhere. I’m thinking definitely on Dreame and Inkitt (both are free sites). May also post on Radish, but since they have an approval process for their authors, there’s no timeframe for that. I would love to have stuff on Radish post before stuff on the free sites, but we’ll see how it goes.

The Summit, by the way, was informative, but exhausting (I might have used that exact wording in my mailing list email I just sent out). I was so thoroughly sleep deprived. The first day (Friday) was a meet and greet by genre. I attended four of them and that was really nice, but I should have known better than to wear a headset for 4 hours in one day. I feel like I have about a billion headphones of various types in my apartment because I’m always hoping I’ll find that ONE pair that doesn’t hurt after maybe 15 minutes of wearing. I have yet to find that. So, because I was hurting from wearing a headset for too long, I couldn’t sleep that night, which started a vicious cycle of way too much caffeine, which only made me feel tired and stretched thin (and the sessions ran from 10am-7pm so it wasn’t like it was a short day or anything). The next day was just as long (and while I didn’t have the face/ears hurt problem, I still didn’t sleep well because… I work second shift. Getting up by 10am is a challenge for me).

Getting back on topic, I reached 41% in writing Matched to the Alien Captain and also created a character that I’m seriously tempted to give his own story (because no, I don’t have enough characters as it is). He’s all alien mountain man, loner but he’s happy that way and I just want to disrupt his life with a woman that’s going to drive him nuts until he warms up to her and decides he actually does like having someone there with him. Although, as a person who likes their solitude, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with wanting to live alone on a mountain where the closest person is miles and miles away (man, that would be the DREAM!).

Again, getting back on topic (my brain is a pinball machine today), been working on the cover art for both the above stories recently. I’m starting to get happy with some of the elements I’ve been tweaking, and I think I might be able to have a final cover for each of them soon.

Currently Reading

Her Alien Prince by Sky Robert – This book has me anxious, but in a good way. There’s this element of we know they’ll be perfect together, they just need to get their shit together and stop being so oblivious all the time. You know the type. They have this plan in their mind, and we know they’re going in the absolute wrong direction but they have no idea so they just plow straight forward while we pull our hair out. I’m not too far into the story yet, and I hope to GOD this part of the book doesn’t last too long. I’m not sure I would be able to handle that.

Discover more from Danielle Forrest | Sci-Fi Romance Author

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