
NaNoWriMo is officially over! #nanowrimo2014

Participant-2014-Web-BannerIt’s December 1st, and many of us (me included) are coming off that month-long frenetic obsession called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, FYI).  My goal had been to write 50k by Thanksgiving (which was the same goal as last year), since family has this way of absorbing all your time.  Alas, I didn’t reach my 50k until November 30th, but I made it!

NaNo was really kicking my butt this year.  Between family who don’t seem to understand the meaning of the word “No” to other commitments that just happened to decide to start in November rather than being good and starting in December (cough-bowling league), it was certainly a challenge. 

I was pleasantly surprised when I managed to write 10k the first weekend, even though I had to visit my parents.  And I managed to write quite a bit while at work on some days, which probably had something to do with my success.  I had a lot of slow days, though.  I had some days where I never even looked at my book, others where I wrote a few hundred words and decided I just didn’t feel like writing.

Still, I’m almost finished with Tristan’s Choice–the sequel to Mila’s Shift–and I’m very excited about that.  Plus, I got back the second of my four beta readers’ comments for Mila’s Shift.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to start working on the third draft soon.  Maybe I’ll have finished the first draft of Tristan’s Choice by then.

Did you participate in NaNo?  How did you do?  What do you feel like you got out of the month?

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