
Book Review: Empath by Becca Campbell @beccajcampbell

Empath eBook cover SMReview

I was intrigued by the concept for this novel, especially since it dips so close to my own problems.  I loved how she portrayed an empath, her struggles and the intricacy of her powers.  Campbell easily portrays both the highs and lows, the good and the bad, of each “power” she presents in the book.  And I’ll leave it at Jade isn’t the only one with gifts because I don’t want to give too much away.

Now, I’m nowhere near as bad as Jade, but I’m highly attuned to other people’s personalities and emotions.  I’m a mimic.  I know how Jade feels.  My personality shifts and changes depending on the people I’m around, even to the point where I do things I actively hate in others when I’m around one person or another.  I’ve been disgusted with myself before when I do something like that.  So I get picking people you associate with carefully.  I try to associate with people like me, people I’m closest to myself around, or people I enjoy who I am around them. It’s one of the reasons I like being alone.  Alone, I know I am just me.  No one else.  No outside influences.  Jade finds herself battling the same battles, a balance between a desire to be alone and wholly herself, and with others but absorbing who they are.

Oh, but I kind of hated her relationship with Cam.  I kept wanting to separate them.  I kept screaming in my head, “Get away!  Run far, far away!”  It was disturbing that she had a hard time doing anything that could hurt his feelings because it would hurt her feelings in turn.  She would feel his hurt.
The book frequently had me giddy, cheering people on.  And I loved Logan.  He was awesome.  He was a great, dynamic character, though I do wish he’d been a larger part of the story.  I kept wanting to see him more often, wanting him to find out things about Jade that could drive them closer.
There wasn’t really anything negative about the book.  There was this one line I didn’t like.  “…and swam into the waters of his freely flowing love.”  It just made me think of trashy romance novels.  Horrible cheesy line.  And there were a couple of spots that didn’t ring true.
All in all, I really enjoyed it, and I read it very fast.
Format: Kindle ARC
Source: Author

Empath Purchase Links

During the Empath Blog Tour (September 16th – October 20th), the first book in the Flawed series will be on sale for a discounted price of $0.99. Grab it for cheap while you can!

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Author BioIMG_9867 a lowres

Becca J. Campbell is the author of the New Adult Romantic Science Fiction novels Foreign Identity and Gateway to Reality, New Adult Romantic Paranormal Thriller Empath (The Flawed Series #1), and  Sub-Normal, a series of Science Fiction short stories.

An avid lover of stories that tiptoe the line between fantasy and reality (even when they plunge off one side or the other), Becca looks for new angles on bridging the gap between the two. She holds a special place in her heart for any story that involves superpowers or time travel. Her passion is defying the limits of her own creativity. You can find her on her Author BlogFacebookTwitterGoodreads, Pinterest, and Amazon.

Empath (Flawed Book One)

Supernatural empathy isn’t a gift, it’s a curse. Anywhere she goes, Jade’s emotions are replaced by those of the people around her.

Jade grew up in a suburb of Colorado Springs, protected from other people by her parents. Now she faces college—and the world—with nothing to shield her from unwanted feelings.

When Cam, a classmate with a major crush on her, unintentionally hijacks her emotions, Jade struggles to keep from being carried away in feelings of attraction. When Ethan, a psychopath with a thirst for fear, fixates on her, the emotional impact could be lethal.

Caught in a deadly trap, Jade must untangle the emotions and find a way to use her empathic curse to overcome this killer or be overcome by him.


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