
Book Review: Dragon’s Thief by Susan Lute


This book has a lot going for it. It combines a variety of elements that are both uniquely portrayed and fun. Dragons and a post-apocalyptic world combined with conspiracies, thieves, mercenaries, maniacal plots for world domination, just to name a few. The author has a unique portrayal of the supernatural elements, which makes up for what I felt could have been a better job at monopolizing on the rich architecture available in a world trying to pick itself up again after disaster struck and the world fell apart.

Aside from the Naga and Umbra, the primary supernatural elements in the story (which gave the story a unique niche in a genre so often filled with repetitious instances of vampires and werewolves), the characters brought a lot to the table as well. First, all of the main characters are total badasses. It was easy to like the Logan and his siblings, and I was especially attached to Carlton. I was also quickly intrigued by and came to love Beyla as well. There is past anguish and tragedy that follows her, a mystery in need of solving (and I couldn’t help resist wanting to solve it). She’s contrary and stubborn and makes me laugh. She’s realistic, fighting for a status quo, clinging to the known, even when it makes her miserable.

The story is action-packed, but also had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes on a couple of occasions. There were twists, some of which I never saw coming. Some I did, but they only pushed me further, looking for validation of my conclusions.

The only negatives of the book would say would be that she could have done a better job with the post-disaster world, and that the author didn’t seem to always explains things thoroughly. The characters seemed to always travel through areas that were well developed, where the effects of the disaster that destroyed the world weren’t as thoroughly felt.

I liked the ending, even if I didn’t get finality on some things I would have liked to see. I suspect that means, though, that a sequel is possible. There are certain things I’d really like to know more about.

Source: Author
Format: PDF ARC – Note, ARCs aren’t always a reliable example of editing quality as editing of copy might not have been finished, so no comments were made on that front.



dragon's thiefFrom the Dragonkind Chronicles – the battle is just beginning…

In a post -apocalyptic world where Darwin changelings emerge from hiding and humans struggle to reclaim their former glory, mercenary Logan Pen doesn’t want to save the world. His mission is to protect his greatest treasure – his family. That is until he tries to capture a shadow thief. Beyla, a beguiling, emotionless Umbra steals his telein – a talisman forged at his birth while escaping his grasp, making her by ancient dragon law his mate.

Her enemy – a fiery Naga – and the talisman she’s stolen from him rouse emotions Beyla has spent three long years in the land of shadows stripping away. Still she hasn’t been able to banish the grief and pain left by the murder of her human family.

Fighting a desire that flames out of their control, and scrambling to save humanity and their own kind, Logan and Beyla are forced to join forces to keep a weapon of incredible destructive power out of the hands of the man who would use it to conquer their world. With evil on the brink of victory, only through sacrifice do they learn to trust and embrace the love that will change them forever.

Amazon | BN | Windtree Press



About the Author

82022664-C11 Susan 2 cropped portraitSusan Lute is first and foremost a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, dreamer, and author. She is traditionally and Indie published in contemporary romance, women’s fiction, and and paranormal/fantasy romance.

Her debut novel, Oops…We’re Married? has sold over 130,000 copies, was a Reader’s Choice nominee and Holt Medallion Finalist. Things you should know – she was born the oldest child of a military family; she’s traveled far, but has never been to Hawaii, Paris, or Crete, an omission she hopes to correct soon; her favorite places in the whole world are New York City, Sedona (Arizona), Ouray (Colorado), and Bath (England).

Currently she is working on the second novel in her Dragonkind Chronicles, and dreaming up a new urban fantasy.

website: www.susanlute.com

See Jane Publish http://seejanepublish.wordpress.com/

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Susan-Lute/202040233153546

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1252907.Susan_Lute


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