
Book Review: Wanted: One Ghost by Loni Lynne


Wanted: One Ghost is a fun, enjoyable, well-written fiction which is kind of goofy and filled with irony while mixing mystery, danger, angst, and the best of ghost stories and investigations.  Growing up, I always loved a good ghost story.  I remember quite a few nights staying up at night, afraid of the shadows in my closet after reading one of my many collections of ghost stories until a wee bit too late in the evening.  To this day, I still collect ghost stories.  In fact, collections of local legends and ghost stories are my equivalent of souvenirs on my travels.  I can honestly say I’ve never read a ghost story quite like this one.

The story, though it is filled with danger and ghosts, frequently made me laugh.  It sort of laughs at itself, never making too heavy on any subject, creating a perfect balance between amusement and tension.  The book brings so many elements together.  Anyone who’s ever walked a ghost tour will love this book, I think.  The author real brings the past to life in a way I think everyone who’s ever gone on one of those tours wishes they could experience.

I, when I first read the blurb, thought James, as a loyalist, would be a hard character to relate to.  Being a child raised on the righteousness of the Revolutionary War, I’ve always found it hard to imagine anyone decent as a loyalist.  Still, I like how the author worded James’s point of view.  She used antiquated words and phrases while simultaneously allowing us to understand his meaning.  And, what more, I actually found it funny how he related to patriots.  She was somehow able to make light of his viewpoints while still getting across his stout beliefs as someone loyal to the Crown.

April and her family of loony female relatives were also well worth the read.  All of them have special abilities, with each having varying levels of acceptance of said abilities.  In the end, it leads to a realistic montage of personalities and quirks that work so well in the story, causing the embarrassments and conflicts apparent in any family.  While they fight, argue, and tease, it is clear how much they care about each other.

Some twists I saw coming, others I did not.  The final conflict at the end was both exhilarating and felt tragic at the time.  Of course, that wasn’t the end, now was it?  After all, when you’re dealing with the afterlife, what truly is?  But, the book ended on a note I was satisfied with and all the conflicts were finalized to my edification.  This author clearly knows her stuff with regard to writing but also to historical authenticity as there were quite a few things I looked up as I went, and everything fit with her usage of the terms.  This is something I rarely seem to find.  Reading on a tablet, I’m always fact-checking as it’s only a couple of taps away, and it has become an obsession of mine, getting the details right.

I started the book some time this afternoon and finished it less than twelve hours later.  Fast read.  Very good book.




Stuck in ghostly limbo for 238 years, James Addison can’t move on to an afterlife. After being falsely accused of treason and executed, fate’s cursed him to remain an earth-bound specter until he meets a historian sent to research his past. Distrustful of fate, Dr. April Branford wants to be taken seriously, but her unique ability to divine history by touching objects seriously compromises her credibility. Her latest assignment? James Addison, a legendary colonial ladies’ man with a shadowy past. Without much to go on, she doesn’t hold out much hope to discover the man behind the legend until the day she accidentally touches him and brings him back to life. With the help of family and ghosts from James’s past, they unravel the truth. But after falling in love and with time running out, it’s hard for April to believe in fate and a future where forever is now.



About the Author

Loni Lynne is a stay at home mom, domestic goddess, U.S. Navy Veteran and
lover of all things vintage/shabby-chic/Victorian and antique. From china cups
and tea sets to lace doilies crocheted by hand (her grandmother made the best)
she believes a touch of femininity never goes out of style.

Growing up all over the country she’s been blessed with experiencing a good
deal of culture and lifestyles. Much like her personality, she has eclectic
tastes in what she likes to read and write. There is no ‘one’ genre in which
she  settles for.
God and fate have been big influences in her life. Both have taken her to
places she never thought she’d be, both in the physical sense and in the
spiritual. She wrote brief stories and snippets of life as it happened to her
in  her youth, and encouraged by her teachers, continued to write. Blessed with
a  loving supportive family growing up, she was able to explore her options
which  at times have been put into use in her stories. The Navy–and fate,
afforded her  the opportunity to meet her Army, “Annapolis-native” husband and
team up with  him to parent two beautiful daughters.

Years later, her husband gave her the best birthday present ever–a laptop, a
membership to Romance Writers of America and a goal to complete a
manuscript for submission by her next birthday. She did it. A few years later
she was blessed with one of those novels, Wanted: One Ghost as her
debut novel.

 Believe in  Fate

Discover more from Danielle Forrest | Sci-Fi Romance Author

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  • Mary Preston

    I enjoy a touch of humor in the books I read.


    • Loni Lynne

      Humor is a part of life…I have to make my characters real. 😉

  • Excellent review! I love a good ghost story!

    • Loni Lynne

      Thank you! I was really tickled with the review, too! 😀

  • Thank you for reviewing this book. It’s definitely going on my TBR list.

  • Great start to your tour! Congrats on your first book, Loni.

  • Teresaquill,
    Thank you so much for reading! Glad you enjoyed it! 😉

  • Bn100,
    Glad you were able to stop by!

  • I loved Loni’s story, and stayed up much too late one night to finish this enjoyable read.

  • Nice review

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  • Really enjoyed being here today!! And thanks again for the wonderful review. So happy you liked it! 😀
    All the best to you and your readers!

  • Thank you for sharing the giveaway!

    hense1kk (at) cmich (dot) edu

  • Sounds like fun! I’ve been excited to see this tour for a while! Thanks so much for sharing!

    andarlynn7 AT gmail DOT com

    • I’m giddy, Andra! Thank you for being excited for this tour and thank you for stopping in! So sweet! 😀

  • Great review! I am half way through this book, so thanks for no spoilers! I especially agreed with the following: “Still, I like how the author worded James’s point of view. She used antiquated words and phrases while simultaneously allowing us to understand his meaning. And, what more, I actually found it funny how he related to patriots. She was somehow able to make light of his viewpoints while still getting across his stout beliefs as someone loyal to the Crown.” As a former teacher of American History and diehard romance reader, it all came together for me. Nicely done, Lonnie Lynn!

    • A

      Yeah, I’m staunchly against spoilers in reviews. The only time I’ve done one was when I finished a book so stressed out over the fate of a character that I had to search through the second book in the series to figure out if he would live or die. And search, not read. I didn’t have the wherewithal to actually read the book after the stress of reading book 1 in that series. In that case, I put a few carefully worded clues in the review — just enough so someone who’d gotten to the end of the book wouldn’t have a coronary or something. Considered it a public service in that instance.

    • Kate,
      Thank you for stopping in! All the best!

    • Heather,
      I love American History! Thank you for taking the time to read Wanted: One Ghost. I was hoping I managed for as much accuracy as possible. I have to agree with Danielle’s review in how she wasn’t sure if a Loyalist could be a hero. I was taking a chance on that as I too am a big fan of our patriots. Still, I thought at that time, he could be torn between his loyalties to his family in England and his love of the people he’d begun to call countrymen. It was a time when people had to make the choice.

      I’m glad James came off so well though in the review! 😉

  • Katherina

    I can’t wait to read it!

  • Beth,
    I really hope you enjoy it! Would love to hear what you think! 😀

  • Beth Werrell

    Great review! Can’t wait to read it!!!! Going to purchase and download it now!

  • Rita Wray

    Thank you for the great review and blurb. Sounds like a good story.


    • Loni Lynne

      Thanks for stopping in today, Rita! Hope you have a great day!

  • deannad414,
    I love the fact that you believe in the possibility that they are there. I think that is the magic and thrill of ghost tours. Thank you for stopping in and I hope you get a chance to enjoy Wanted: One Ghost! 🙂

  • deannad414

    Loved your review! This book sounds like something I would enjoy. Loni-I love ghost tours. We have a few local places where I live that offer them, and they are so much fun to go on. We’ve never actually seen a ghost, but just knowing the possibility is there, is enough to give you the chills at times. Good luck on your tour!

    • A

      Well, we’ve never actually seen ghosts in person, but my mom HAS photographed ghostly orbs on several occasions. I’m a photographer, and I honestly can’t identify any way those orbs could have been produced based on the lighting conditions present.

  • I am so tickled with your review! Thank you so much for hosting me today! All the best to you! Looking forward to hearing from everyone! I would like to know how others out there feel about ghost tours. I like them for the history aspect but also for the ‘possibility’ of seeing a ghost! 😉

    • A

      Wow, so much great interest on this post. Thanks, everyone, for making this such a success. Thanks to Loni, for not only allowing me the opportunity to review such a good book but also for being such an active, engaged writer. Not many authors are.

    • A

      You are so very welcome.

  • Thanks for hosting!

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