
Book Excerpt – Visions by Laura N. Anile @lauraanile


What would you sacrifice to save a stranger?

When Isabel Cartier, a career-driven lawyer determined to rise to the top, begins to experience premonitions of strangers in potentially life-threatening situations, she must decide what she is willing to do—and sacrifice—in order to save the people in her visions.

As her premonitions progress, the level of risk to her own life escalates, and she’s thrown into a mysterious world that will put more than just her career in jeopardy.

It is only when her life spins out of control that she is able to take chances that she never thought possible—including opening her heart to love.

There’s Matt, the handsome stranger she saves from a terrible accident. But will she ever see him again? Then there’s Jeremy, her thoughtful neighbor who’s down on his luck. Both will shape her path and leave her breathless. But it’s another man, who she sees in her visions over and over again, who will leave her questioning everything. Does he have nine lives, or is it up to Isabel to figure out the parameters of a game she doesn’t quite understand in order to truly save him?

Visions follows Isabel’s journey to find out if she has the courage she needs to save the people in her premonitions, and how, ultimately, their lives are intertwined with hers.




The child began screaming; a scream that made your blood run cold. Her mother instantly tried to placate her, eventually smothering her mouth when those attempts failed. That only intensified the screaming, agitating the girl more.

The gunman flew into a rage, demanding the girl be silenced before he silenced her. His hand twitched in fury. Could he honestly harm a child? I wondered, as fear crashed over me. The interminable screaming shrilled through the bank as the girl thrashed in her mother’s arms. My skin tingled, the air electrified with trepidation.

The gunman pointed the weapon directly at the child, narrowing his eyes. A growl erupted from his throat as his feeble control shattered and his finger pulled back the trigger.

There was no time left to decide, to think. There was only time to act. Instinctively, I jumped in front of the young girl as I heard the deafening crack of the gun being fired.

I jumped so violently that I awoke, drenched in sweat.


To read a sample, please go to: Amazon

Or you can read Chapter One at www.lauraanile.com/sneakpeek


About the Authorlaura anile

Laura has had a lifelong love of writing, which she explored in a successful marketing career before penning her first novel. She is fascinated by the ideas of fate and interconnectedness, central themes in her story. She loves all things humorous, laughs too loudly and finds her own jokes amusing. She has a passion for traveling and exploring the world but has a phobia of suspect hotel rooms with questionable hygiene. And, oh yeah, she doesn’t own any crystal balls.

Visions is her debut novel. She has also written a collection of short stories, entitled Unmasked Secrets.

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