
Book Excerpt: Cassie Scot: Paranormal Detective by Christine Amsden @ChristineAmsden

Christine will be awarding a $10 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.


Cover_Cassie Scot ParaNormal DetectiveAt random, I picked up a bottle of perfume from the top shelf and read: “Induces powerful lust. Spray on your intended and make sure you are the first person they see. Lasts about an hour.”

The thing you have to understand about any magic is that there are good ways to use it, and bad ways to use it. The concept of black magic is a hotly debated topic among sorcerers. Even death, in self defense, is a shade of gray. As I stood there, reading the functions of the various love potions, I thought of all the innocent and harmful ways they could be used. A couple in a committed relationship might have a lot of fun with a spray of lust. On the other hand, using it on an unwilling victim…

I shuddered as I replaced the bottle and accidentally knocked one of the neighboring bottles of perfume to the ground. It shattered, splashing perfume all over my open-toed sandals.


“What happened?” Evan asked, his voice hard and alert. I could hear him moving closer.

“Stop! I don’t want to see you right now.”

“Which potion was that?” Evan asked, still in that hard-edged voice of command.

I pointed to the row of similar bottles on the top shelf. “Lust.”

One of the little bottles floated away from the shelf, but I did not turn around to see what Evan was doing with it. Instead, I started looking through my purse for a pack of tissues to clean the mess off my feet.

“Cassie, I have some bad news for you.”

“Worse, you mean?”

“This potion doesn’t take affect until you actually look at someone. Your hour starts then.”




Cassie Scot is the ungifted daughter of powerful sorcerers, born between worlds but belonging to neither. At 21, all she wants is to find a place for herself, but earning a living as a private investigator in the shadow of her family’s reputation isn’t easy. When she is pulled into a paranormal investigation, and tempted by a powerful and handsome sorcerer, she will have to decide where she truly belongs.



About the Author

Christine Amsden authorAward-winning author Christine Amsden has written stories since she was eight, always with a touch of the strange or unusual. She became a “serious” writer in 2003, after attending a boot camp with Orson Scott Card. She finished Touch of Fate shortly afterward, then penned The Immortality Virus, which won two awards. Expect many more titles by this up-and-coming author.


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More Stops on the Tour:

1:  Out of the Lockbox
2:  Musings and Ramblings
3:  Bunny’s Review
4:  Farm Girl Books
5:  The Dan O’Brien Project
6:  Sexy Adventures, Passionate Tales
7:  fuonlyknew
8:  Deal Sharing Aunt
9:  Nana Prah’s Blog
10:  Mommasez…
11:  Beyond My Writing Space
12:  Margay Leah Justice
13:  Author Jinni James
14:  Fantasy Pages
15:  Full Moon Dreaming
16:  Wickedly Wanton Tales
17:  Wake Up Your Wild Side
18:  Enjoying the Unique Flavors of Life
19:  My Odd Little World
20:  My Paranormal Book Review
21:  Welcome to My World of Dreams 
22:  It’s Raining Books 
23:  Straight from the Library
24:  Long and Short Reviews
25:  Hope Dreams. Life… Love
26:  Dawn’s Reading Nook Blog
27:  Sharing Links and Wisdom
28:  Donna’s Blog Home
29:  United By Books
30:  Reading In Twilight
31:  Andi’s Book Reviews
32:  Read Your Writes Book Reviews
33:  The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl
34:  The Eternal Scribe
35:  My Devotional Thoughts
36:  Lindsay’s Scribblings
37:  The Write to Read
38:  Worlds of Possibilities
39:  Bookgirl Knitting
40:  The Dan O’Brien Project
41:  Wicked Readings by Tawania
42:  My Odd Little World
43:  Sexy Lady Anita Philmar
44:  Sandra’s Blog

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