
Book Blogger Fair: Excerpt of Becca Campbell’s Not the Norm

For the duration of the Book Blogger Fair, Foreign Identity and Not the Norm will be FREE.  Gateway to Reality will be $0.99.

View my reviews of “Not the Norm” & “Unmasked Alloy” here.


Not the NormStill dripping from her shower, Eden Roosevelt turned the corner to the kitchen and pulled up short. Her heart shot into her throat. There was a stranger in her apartment. He stood in the center of her kitchen, the sliding glass door open behind him. Crap! She must have left it open after having coffee in the courtyard earlier. His dark eyes flicked to her. She wrapped the robe tighter around herself and stared at him.

The young man’s hand yanked back from the piping hot blueberry muffins that sat on Eden’s kitchen table. In that flash of movement, muscles rippled beneath the dingy brown shirt clinging to his chest, boasting a million ways he could hurt her—with or without his ability. Her eyes darted over his ratty form, from his stringy black hair to the worn jeans hugging his thighs to his scuffed leather boots. She swallowed hard.

He could be anyone. A psychopath who could read minds…a Peeping Tom with telekinesis…a rogue with supernatural strength, avoiding the authorities…she’d seen clips of that one on the local news. She shivered. The government’s track record for control still wasn’t that great. Technology had advanced too quickly. Regulations couldn’t keep up with it.

Fear’s icy claws clamped around her throat. She had her own ability, of course—everyone did. And hers wasn’t benign like most of the population. But there was one problem. She hated pain. Really hated it. There was also the issue that she couldn’t quite remember how to wield her power. The blinding, opaque pain had obscured the memory. Staring into the eyes of the stranger, she knew her only chance was to bluff.



Empath eBook cover SM

Empath (Flawed Book 1)–Flawed is a new adult romantic urban fantasy series about individuals who have super-human weaknesses.

Supernatural empathy isn’t a gift, it’s a curse. Anywhere she goes, Jade’s emotions are replaced by those of the people around her.

Jade grew up in a suburb of Colorado Springs, protected from other people by her parents. Now she faces college—and the world—with nothing to shield her from unwanted feelings.

When Cam, a classmate with a major crush on her unintentionally hijacks her emotions, Jade struggles to keep from being carried away in feelings of attraction. When Ethan, a psychopath with a thirst for fear, fixates on her, the emotional impact could be lethal.

Caught in a deadly trap, Jade must untangle the emotions and find a way to use her empathic curse to overcome this killer or be overcome by him.

Look for the debut of this exciting new adult series, coming August of 2013.


GtR kindle cover

Gateway to Reality–A new adult romantic sci fi / urban fantasy novel with themes similar to The Matrix and Inception,  but heavier on the love story.

Talented artists shouldn’t be waiting tables, scraping by, and living mediocre lives. But that’s exactly what art school graduate Wes Teague is doing.

Then he wakes from a bizarre dream, haunted by the sense that his life isn’t real. A harrowing truth presents itself–the real world lies in his dreams, not when he’s wide awake.

The dream world he enters each night is rich and vibrant. Chicago appears the same on the surface, but chaos runs rampant as gravity, physics, and other laws of nature become fluid, changing unexpectedly. There, Wes’s parents, brother, and sister are strangers. His girlfriend Emily doesn’t recognize him. Wes longs to return, to unlearn the truth about his dual reality.

Wes would sacrifice almost anything to get back to blissful ignorance in a false world.

But now he has feelings for the real Emily.


Foreign Identity– A science fiction novel with mystery, suspense, and romance. You can read the first two chapters here for free.

Cold. Confusion. Fear. This is how it all begins.

Waking up without your memory in a cell and bound by chains is terrifying.

Two nameless strangers, a man and a woman, find themselves imprisoned together. With no memories of their own identities, let alone their captor and tormentor, escape is the only option. The pair faces a bizarre labyrinth of rooms and clues that confuse more than they explain. Every discovery only brings more questions.

Who captured them? Why were they taken? What does their captor want from them? What can the riddles mean?

Who are they?

Lacking allies and options, the duo must learn to trust one another. Mazes, puzzles, and even strange, lurking creatures force them to rely on their wits–and each other–for survival. But survival isn’t enough. They need answers.

Will the answers be enough? Will the truth bring them closer together, or drive them forever apart? Will discovering their identities finally bring them home?


Not the Norm (Sub-Normal #1)–A new adult science fiction short story in a dystopian world where the entire population has been genetically engineered and exhibits special abilities.

Eden has a dangerous secret.

In a world where GenEns (enhanced humans) are the norm, her own ability is flawed. If anyone found out about the glitch in her genetic code, she’d be deemed a sub-norm, as one unfit to exist in the human race. Her certain fate would be extermination.

She always thought keeping her defect secret was her biggest struggle. That concern vanishes when her life is put in danger. Suddenly, fighting back is her only option, and she’s completely unprepared.

Her only chance for survival is by wielding her damaged power. But fear and painful memories threaten to hold her back. What will happen to her if she unleashes the terror within?


Unmasked Alloy (Sub-Normal #2)–The second short story in this series, focused on two flawed individuals who are on the run from the authorities.

Genetically enhanced humans populate earth. Flaws are prohibited. Refusing to be altered means death—unless you can successfully evade capture.

Dake is one of these sub-norms on the run, and Eden’s status as a malfunctioning GenEn isn’t much better.

When Eden flees with Dake, their spree as fugitives is all too brief. Captured and thrown into a government holding facility where the only likely outcome is execution, the pair seeks help from an unlikely and untrustworthy ally.

In this second installment of the Sub-Normal series, trust and justice mix it up with the hyper-powered.


A Consortium of Worlds #1, the first collection of speculative fiction short stories by the Consortium, available for download on Amazon.

“Prisoners”–“Someone knows them all too well, knows them far better than they know themselves. In the first part of what will be a fuller work, Becca Campbell creates unique puzzles and intriguing characters. She masterfully draws on the suspense embedded in universal images and fears, raising a thousand questions and leaving us anxious to know who these people are, where they come from, and why they are so far from normal.”

This is the original first chapter of Foreign Identity, published as a short story.


A Consortium of Worlds #2, the second collection of speculative fiction short stories by the Consortium, available for download on Amazon.

Not the Norm–”Becca J. Campbell has a knack for human connection and a driving interest in the individual flaws that do so much to define characters. As an author, she loves exploring these utterly mundane aspects of the human condition in fantastically imaginative environments. She’s done it in the short story “Prisoners” and her urban fantasy series Flawed, and she explores some of the same themes again in “Not the Norm.”




Out of Thin Air–A new adult urban fantasy / romance.

Eva’s secret weakness is randomly disappearing, unable to be heard, seen, or felt in any way during her absences. During those episodes she can only watch the rest of the world pass her by. The worst period of invisibility struck soon after graduating high school and lasted nearly ten years.

Now, indefinitely back to being visible, her ten year high school reunion is upon her, and though she isn’t looking forward to it, she has to go. It’s the only way to find the answer to her burning question, the one eating her up during those ten long years. But to find the answer she has to face the pain of the failed relationship buried deep in her past. She has to face Kade.

Look for this story from the Flawed universe, coming in 2014.


About the Author

IMG_9867 a lowresAn avid lover of stories that tiptoe the line between fantasy and reality (even when they plunge off one side or the other), Becca J. Campbell looks for new angles on bridging the gap between the two. She holds a special place in her heart for any story that involves superpowers or time travel. Her passion is defying the limits of her own creativity.

Becca’s journey into writing began as many of her other creative endeavors do – by daring herself to try something new. The question “what if I wrote a novel?” and some hastily scribbled notes on a church handout were the inspirations that jump-started her first book. Since then, she has written half a dozen additional novels and several shorter works.

As the wife of a musician and mother of three young boys, Becca’s life is never dull. Whether it is writing, painting or knitting, she enjoys making stuff that wasn’t there before.

Find me at Inspiration for Creation: http://www.beccajcampbell.com
Twitter: @beccajcampbell
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/beccajcampbell
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5287392.Becca_J_Campbell

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